Overview of the scope and purpose of the course. Evaluation methods, including assignments and participation, will be discussed..
What is "new" about "new media"?
What are the characteristics, both technical and social, of new media?
How does new media transform and "remediate" earlier media practices?
What are the characteristics, both technical and social, of new media?
How does new media transform and "remediate" earlier media practices?
This class will end with an introduction to transliteracy which will help guide our thinking until we delve further into transliteracy in week 8.
Some key questions to consider during the first class:
- What is "new media studies" and its relationship to the humanities and social sciences ?
- New Media Studies is a transdisciplinary field of scholarly inquiry, what does this mean?
- How do different disciplines approach the study of media?
- What are some current views about the emergence and diffusion of media?